Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What Video Games Taught Me

I've played video games since I was really little. I can still remember that Christmas when I got my Super Nintendo. If anyone tells you video games are bad they are totally off. I learned so much from video games that I can apply to everyday life. I stuck to classic video games for this so let's take a walk down memory lane shall we? 

Mario taught me:

It doesn't matter how much you help someone if they aren't willing to help themselves they'll always end up in the same situation. 

Reach for the stars.

Zelda taught me:

Don't under estimate a kid. 

The importance of keeping a large wallet, bomb bag, and ocarina on your person at all times. Also how useful bombs can be just don't hold them for too long.

Mario Kart taught me:

Never run over a banana peel. Seriously that is dangerous. 

Banjo Kazooie taught me:

It's incredibly useful to wear a backpack with a bird in it. There's no steep hill you can't conquer! 

It's ok to trust voodoo shaman with a skull for a head. Don't worry his magic will wear off if you walk far enough away. 

Kirby has taught me:

Maybe if I swallow enough air I'll fly or bloat. Probably bloat.

It's ok to try new things. Eat everything.

Mortal Kombat taught me:

Its ok if you don't know what you're doing. Eventually you'll get it or get good at pretending you know what youre doing.

If you are going to get in a fight, make sure your opponent is all the way out, finish him with a swift punch or kick if need be. Also when I was little I always thought KO was Japanese for ok. True story. And then I realized it was knock out. 

Yoshis Story taught me:

The importance of a good theme song for nostalgia purposes. Also reminded me how awesome pop up books are. 

Donkey Kong taught me: 

The importance of arm muscles. 

Also good hair. 

The most important thing video games taught me, especially the classics, is the importance of friendship. Whenever your in a rut or held hostage, true friends will always be there to save you. 

And no matter how many times you fail or fall just start over and keep going.
 Also patience. 

I could have kept going on a few of these, maybe I'll do a part two or another one with more current video games. Let me know what video games taught you. 

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