Thursday, February 26, 2015

My First Ipsy Bag

Hey guys! 
I finally joined ipsy annnnd I finally got my first bag! I decided that Im going to review the things I get and also do a look based on the items I got.

So first things first what I got!

It came in a pink, grey, and white geometric pattern little bag and its ok.. Im only saying ok because Ive seen a lot of ipsy reviews and posts. I needed to make sure this was worth getting! So Ive seen a lot of the bags and this just wasn't as awesome as some other ones Ive seen. But free cute little bag every time, the part of me that likes to compartmentalize everything is screaming with joy.
Lets move onto the more important part the contents (drum-roll please)

Sample size lip gloss from Cargo cosmetics in the color Anguilla
Sample size Up All Night Volumizing Spray from Eva-Nye 
Full size Eyeliner pencil from Me in in Amethyst
Full size blush from Model in Peach Bellini
Full size Large Angled brush from Luxie

Ok lets talk about it. I love everything except the eyeliner and the lip gloss. When I did my makeup look today I liked the lip gloss a bit more then when I originally tried it. Its not a color I would normally go for. The eyeliner is just not the best. It does not apply very evenly. To get the most out of it I used it on its side with little pressure and built it up.

Though Im not a huge fan of the eyeliner I did like the color. Colored eyeliner pencils remind me of the early 2000's when I really started using and experimenting with makeup. I was such a fun of having a pop of color with my eyeliner under my eye. So today's look is brought to you by Ipsy and me 12 years ago.

I used the eye liner under my eyes which I liked. I used the blush on my checks with the brush I got. I used the lipgloss over my lipstick which is much nicer than the lipgloss on its own. 

I loooove the volumizing hair spray. With my current hair style I've been wanted more volume and texture to my hair. I love that it gives my hair that "showered last night just rolled out bed with this hair" look and stays that way.  

True to the early 2000s makeup I was rocking, I used at tinted moisturizer with a little Bare Minerals over. I'm so used to full coverage makeup it was kinda nice to let my skin breathe and show my freckles. I used some of my 2000s staples 
The gold color is Goldleaf by Bare Minerals I used this on my lid and as a highlight with my new brush. I used to do this all the time I used Goldleaf for EVERYTHING. Instead of eyeliner I would use French Navy by Bare Minerals and an little angled brush. I might start doing this again I really like how it made my eyes look. Last is a bronzer/highlighter from Physicians Formula. I used this as obviously bronzer and highlight but I also used it as eyeshadow. I also went very natural with my brows, just a tinted brow gel. Back in the day all I did was over pluck my brows haha.

This was fun! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!  


  1. Super cute!
    I've been getting my IPSY bags for 9 months now and this was the first made that made me think of cancelling... =\ I'm going to see what I get next month and go from there. :]

    (If responding, please email or comment a blog post of mine.)

    1. Oh no! This one wasn't spectacular compared to ones I've seen but since it was my first it's still exciting.
