Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday Flash Back

So there are a couple of bloggers and vloggers that do a week recap type thing. I'd like to do something similar, like a flash back Friday of what happened during my week. I've wanted to do this for awhile but I got nervous that I wouldn't always have something to say or show on Friday. But in reality I take a lot of random pictures and videos that don't get shared anywhere and at minimum I always find share worthy things on the Internet. What this all really boils down to is me wanting to blog more. Who knows if this will last or how long it will but it's here

Friday flashback 
Last weekend we went to Science on the Rocks. I made a video about the last one we went to, you can check it out here. The children's science museum here has a once a month adult night. Adults can explore the museum and play with adult beverages in hand. Each month has a theme this month was illusions. It is becoming increasingly popular because it was crowded but still so much fun. 

These boxes look like something out of transforms just with a little projection and light play. 

This bubble guys was way too entertaining. This is his career. He blows bubbles. I think he did something right. 

They had a fun little photoboth so me and Joseph were our usual selves. 

My week other than work has been me playing sims, watching Netflix, and working on this blog. Yesterday it snowed. So having an excuse to not leave the house all day helped with productivity.

Speaking of working on the blog I changed some things around! There's a new better banner and a new background and some new colors. If you're on mobile you can only really see the new banner of you wanna see the whole shebang scroll down to the bottom and click "view web version". Also check out those snazzy buttons on the side with links to my social media things! Yay Ahteablog! 

I also did my First ipsy bag post and I also listed some chokers I made on my Etsy! Check 'Em out here! 

So how was it the first Friday Flash back? I'm surprised I had more to say than I thought. Hate it? love it? 

Thursday, February 26, 2015

My First Ipsy Bag

Hey guys! 
I finally joined ipsy annnnd I finally got my first bag! I decided that Im going to review the things I get and also do a look based on the items I got.

So first things first what I got!

It came in a pink, grey, and white geometric pattern little bag and its ok.. Im only saying ok because Ive seen a lot of ipsy reviews and posts. I needed to make sure this was worth getting! So Ive seen a lot of the bags and this just wasn't as awesome as some other ones Ive seen. But free cute little bag every time, the part of me that likes to compartmentalize everything is screaming with joy.
Lets move onto the more important part the contents (drum-roll please)

Sample size lip gloss from Cargo cosmetics in the color Anguilla
Sample size Up All Night Volumizing Spray from Eva-Nye 
Full size Eyeliner pencil from Me in in Amethyst
Full size blush from Model in Peach Bellini
Full size Large Angled brush from Luxie

Ok lets talk about it. I love everything except the eyeliner and the lip gloss. When I did my makeup look today I liked the lip gloss a bit more then when I originally tried it. Its not a color I would normally go for. The eyeliner is just not the best. It does not apply very evenly. To get the most out of it I used it on its side with little pressure and built it up.

Though Im not a huge fan of the eyeliner I did like the color. Colored eyeliner pencils remind me of the early 2000's when I really started using and experimenting with makeup. I was such a fun of having a pop of color with my eyeliner under my eye. So today's look is brought to you by Ipsy and me 12 years ago.

I used the eye liner under my eyes which I liked. I used the blush on my checks with the brush I got. I used the lipgloss over my lipstick which is much nicer than the lipgloss on its own. 

I loooove the volumizing hair spray. With my current hair style I've been wanted more volume and texture to my hair. I love that it gives my hair that "showered last night just rolled out bed with this hair" look and stays that way.  

True to the early 2000s makeup I was rocking, I used at tinted moisturizer with a little Bare Minerals over. I'm so used to full coverage makeup it was kinda nice to let my skin breathe and show my freckles. I used some of my 2000s staples 
The gold color is Goldleaf by Bare Minerals I used this on my lid and as a highlight with my new brush. I used to do this all the time I used Goldleaf for EVERYTHING. Instead of eyeliner I would use French Navy by Bare Minerals and an little angled brush. I might start doing this again I really like how it made my eyes look. Last is a bronzer/highlighter from Physicians Formula. I used this as obviously bronzer and highlight but I also used it as eyeshadow. I also went very natural with my brows, just a tinted brow gel. Back in the day all I did was over pluck my brows haha.

This was fun! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!  

Thursday, February 5, 2015

It Builds Character

Dear Mocha
Something my dad always says is "it builds character" and I mean always. He says it when it when it's appropriate to say it and inappropriate. It doesn't always make sense, which makes it funny. 

However, inspired from a few recent events, where people I know are put in unfavorable situations, I've found myself thinking It builds character. (Thanks dad) So what does this saying actually mean. When you go through anything tough or emotional, when you get through it and get to the other side you've learned from it. You've grown through your experience. You've built character. What's character? It's the mental and moral qualities distinctive to who you are. When I tell someone about a bad thing that happened to me I always say don't feel sorry it's made me who I am. Whether it be thicker skin, better knowledge about handling things, or even learning about myself, unfavorable times have built character. So my advice to you is, let it. No matter what you are going through don't drag yourself down because of it. Get through to the other side and get there a better person. 

Something to also keep in mind. How you react to bad situations shows your character. Remember what ever it is you'll get through it. Don't let your emotions and anger get the best of you and have all the "character building" situations be in vain because you lost your cool. Be strong It builds character.


Sunday, February 1, 2015

Winter Skin Care Routine

It's been awhile since posted about my skin care routine. And it has definetly changed since then. The biggest changes has come with cold weather. I have learned that my skin tends to break out more when it's dry. So I've made some adjustments to my skincare this winter.

I'm going to talk mostly about my nightly routine because that's where I put in the most effort when it comes to my skin. 

To take off my makeup I have been using LUSH's Ultrabland. I am so in love with this as a nightly cleanser and makeup remover. It breaks down my makeup more so than any makeup remover I have ever used. It has 20% rose water in it which is just an all around favorite lately. 

Buy it here!

After I cleanse and remove my makeup I use Joise Maran 100% pure agran oil light. I am in LOVE with this stuff! I have seen such an improvement on my skin since I started using it. I was so hesitant to use an oil on my skin thinking it would just make the oily parts of my skin oiler but I promise you it has not. I've replaced my regular moisturizer for this one (at night at least). You can use it on your face, split ends, cuticles, or any dry spot on your skin. It really is awesome. It's a bit pricey. I currently have the "to-go" size which is $16 but the regular size is $48 but since you don't need that much everytime you use it. It's definetly worth it. 

Buy it here!

Last step lips. My lip routine hasn't changed. I still use my homemade lip scrub with coconut oil when needed. Link for that recipe can be found here. And my favorite night balm is called My Favorite Night Balm by CO Bigelow. 

Buy it here!

That is it that is how I protect my mug in the cold winter months when my skin, in my opinion, is at its worst. Remember the first step to any great makeup look starts with skincare. Stay warm!