
Monday, June 23, 2014

When One Door Closes

Dear Mocha 

Where do I start with this post? I'm currently going through a tough time. I haven't decieded how open I want to be on this blog but what I will tell you is I am bit stressed and I'll have more time on my hands. I'm trying to stay positive, and thanks to good friends and family I think I have been. I've had family and friends reach out to me and tell me everything will be ok and they're there for me. If you're reading this and it sounds like you, I really do appreciate it. 

During this time, I'm reminding myself that things could be worse and counting my blessings. Though things might be rough now they won't be forever and I'll pick myself up like I always do. 

I've been asked many times why I think bad things happen to good people and my answer is always the same. You may think it's naive or whatever, but it's encouraged me and gotten me through a tough spot or two. Bad things happen to good people because only good people are strong enough to handle it. This blog was made because I want to pass my advice to my sister and anyone willing to read. I feel like I can give advice because I've been through some things that have made me a stronger and better person and I want to share that. I've been through bad friendships and great ones. I've had my heart broken and I've also experienced a good relationship. I've had medical problems, financial problems, and even fought my own demons. My aim is not to judge and condemn but to help. As I help myself out of this tough spot maybe it will give me more advice to pass to you? I do believe things happen for a reason and like a text I got today reminded me sometimes a door closes so others can open. 

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