
Monday, June 16, 2014


Dear Mocha

 Everyone makes mistakes. No one is perfect. I honestly don't believe it's our triumph that define us but our mistakes and how we handle them. I think how we learn to pick our selves up and handle situations when we are in the wrong is what defines you. The triumphs we go through are like trophies on a self. They look nice and show what you've accomplished but they don't really show who you are or your character. Hearing about how someone fell into a bad place in their life and was able to pick themselves back up that shows character. Seeing how someone made a mistake put their pride away and was able to right their wrong shows great character.

  Strive for good things in your life, get those trophies (figurative or literal) but remember no triumphs are earned without struggle. And through struggle make you better person. Be a better person. Fight the good fight. When your wrong make it right. When you fall pick yourself up with dignity and grace not anger and spite. I'll never be perfect and I'll continue to make mistakes. I've learned so many times how to pick myself back up and how to write my wrongs more times than I care to admit. We will make mistakes but how we handle them is what will define us. 

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