Saturday, April 5, 2014

R-E-S-P-E-C-T part3

Dear Mocha 

Saturday post say whhaaaaa? Well this week had some serious content I promise next week will be a lighter and a little more fun. This is the last of the respect posts and I think one of the most important ones. Maybe I should have started with this one? Oh well here we go!

Today's topic on respect is self-respect. This is a big one and I think it's easy to loose sight of this one. 

The dictionary defines self-respect as: Proper esteem or regard for the dignity of one's character.

If you asked me I'd say self-respect is self acceptance physical, emotional and even mental. I think like we can all can find ourselfs in a place of little to no self-respect. Too often it seems we can get caught up in what society and the media tells us is ok and not assessing our own values and dignity. It's easy to say hey respect yo self but I think people have lost how to do that. So this is how I suggest to do so. These are things I have to think about and remind myself as well. 

- Stop putting yourself down - 
You deserve to be treated with respect. Stop making humorous put downs on your own behalf especially if you believe them or don't treat yourself with respect. When you hear negative things about yourself you can start to believe them even if you're the one saying it. If you won't respect yourself who will? 

- Consider your emtions - 
Your feelings and emotions are just as important as anyone else's and they should be respected. When in self doubt or any situation really think about how you are truly feeling. Are you comfortable? Are you upset? Why? 

- Expect and only accept respect - 
As I've already stated you deserve to be treated with respect. Sometimes you think you are being kind or just shy by letting people get away with not respecting you but in reality your allowing people to treat you poorly and opening the door for further disrespect. 

- Align your morals and values to your actions-
This kind of goes along with the first one. First you need to understand your own morals and values. Really consider what you truly feel is right and wrong. Don't indulge in what you know is wrong because everyone else thinks it's ok or everyone else is doing it. Have more self-respect than that. Get acquainted and comfortable with who you are. Only put yourself in uncomfortable situations if it's going to better yourself not satisfy others.

- Show Respect - 
As much as you deserve it so do others. By showing respect you are showing others how you should be treated. You get what you give. 

If you feel you've been running low on self-respect or you just needed a reminder I hope this helped! Id love to know what your are thoughts on self-respect.


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