I have my septum pierced and I've had it pierced for a few months now. When I first got it I had quite the combination of negative and positive reaction and from the expected people.
But I didn't get my septum pierced for anyone but me. I didn't do it to impress anyone or even shock anyone. Believe it or not I just like it. Why? You may ask. Well I'd be happy to tell you. A septum ring on pretty girls seems like such a juxtaposition in the eyes of society. I think thats why I find/found it so alluring. Not that Im gorgeous but I still think its a juxtaposition. <-- if you don't know what that word means look it up it's one of my favorite words. Also I love that I can hide it. When I got it done it was free so there's that also.
Some basic FAQ about my septum:
Did it hurt?
Yes. I'm not going to try and act tough it hurt. But it was a quick pain unlike tattoos. There was some necessary force put behind that needle to get it through that piece of skin. Once it was through it was done though and I bleed which was freaky. Sorry if I just grossed you out.
Does it feel weird in my nose?
Not really most of the time I don't feel it. The ring I had before this one was a little too long/not wide enough so I felt that one more. That ring was also really irritating to take in and out.
Do boogers and snot get on it?
Well it's in my nose so yes. But I'm very careful with my piercing and clean it often. If I have a cold or a runny nose I'm extra careful about cleaning it.
Is it hard to blow my nose?
It was at first but not any more since I'm used to it being there. It's easier to have it down and blow though. And this smaller ring makes it much easier also.
Is it easy to change?
Relatively. It does feel weird though.
What size ring do I have?
It's a 16 gauge 5/16" circular barbell currently in rose gold :)
If you have anymore questions about my septum ring let me know!
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