
Thursday, February 5, 2015

It Builds Character

Dear Mocha
Something my dad always says is "it builds character" and I mean always. He says it when it when it's appropriate to say it and inappropriate. It doesn't always make sense, which makes it funny. 

However, inspired from a few recent events, where people I know are put in unfavorable situations, I've found myself thinking It builds character. (Thanks dad) So what does this saying actually mean. When you go through anything tough or emotional, when you get through it and get to the other side you've learned from it. You've grown through your experience. You've built character. What's character? It's the mental and moral qualities distinctive to who you are. When I tell someone about a bad thing that happened to me I always say don't feel sorry it's made me who I am. Whether it be thicker skin, better knowledge about handling things, or even learning about myself, unfavorable times have built character. So my advice to you is, let it. No matter what you are going through don't drag yourself down because of it. Get through to the other side and get there a better person. 

Something to also keep in mind. How you react to bad situations shows your character. Remember what ever it is you'll get through it. Don't let your emotions and anger get the best of you and have all the "character building" situations be in vain because you lost your cool. Be strong It builds character.


1 comment:

  1. I needed this.

    (If responding, please email or comment a blog post of mine.)
