
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

I feel like this past week has flown by. Or at least it feels like it to me. Over the weekend we went to Science on the Rocks. The science museum in Charlote also known as the Discovery Place, has a 21 and up event. Basically you get to explore the science museum like kids but with alcohol. Sounds like a good time right? Every month they have a different theme. This month was Gears and Beer. Basically a steampunk theme with craft beer. Since our Ren Fest costumes were already steampunk and we are big fans of craft beer we were all for it. I put togther a short vlog, so here's that. 

Other than weekend festivities I have been working on making sweaters to sell on Etsy! If you follow me on Instagram you've seen my latest sweater designs. I was unsure about opening an Etsy shop but with a little push from friendly comments and my dad I've decieded to do it. Once it is up and going I will post it here! Here what I've been working on

And here's my moutain of felt. My work area looks like a tornado of felt, fabric, and thread has blown through it. 

I'm also teaching my self how to cross stitch and hand embroider. Something I hope to incorporate into my Etsy shop. 

I bought these little pink scissors for cross stitching and embroidery. And I'm in love with them, they are so cute and dainty. 

Currently I am on an airplane heading to New York. I'm visiting my family for thanksgiving. Yup, I'm writing this post from the air. It's my boyfriend Josephs first time flying and first time going to New York. Don't worry I'm taking pictures and documenting this trip... As I do everything. Haha. I hope you are having a great week and I hope you and your family have a great Thanksgiving. I hope you enter this holiday season with a grateful heart. Be kind to each other. 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

What's up?

DISCLAIMER: I have a bunch of new friends on social media and if you dont know what this is about click here for and explanation.

   So it's been a few months hasn't it? What have I been up to? What have you been up to? Oh really? Well let me catch you up on going on over here. 

Let's be real and say what I was avoiding saying since June. I was laid off. Whew. Since being laid off I've felt I've lost direction, and with a loss of direction, I've had a loss of inspiration to write. I thought I would have all this time to write and it's been the opposite. I've been an anxious stress ball and the want to write about anything other than how much I want to cry has escaped me. So let's catch you up on what I have been doing. 

- We moved! Literally 5 minutes or less down the road but to a bigger apartment.  I love this apartment. 

- Makeup. I have been super into makeup, costume and aesthetic. 
I've felt like I should see getting laid off as a new start and do something I really want to do. So the last few months have been a discovery on what that is. Is that makeup? I dont know but I love doing makeup. I love experimenting and trying new techniques. I looooving making people look beautiful but more importantly I love making people feel beautiful. 

- Also I've been hooping. I've been hooping for 6 months now! Whoa! 

- I did get a seasonal job at Scarowinds doing costuming. For those of you who don't know Scarowinds is a haunt at the amusement park here. I actually, brace yourself, enjoyed this job. Like actually. Weird right enjoying work? Ha ha who does that!? 
It's truly been a great experience. It's reminded me that it is possible to find a job you don't hate. And it's possible work being creative. I was surrounded by people I not only respected personally but creatively also. It was great to feel like what I want out of life is possible. 

- I've also gone to the Renaissance Festival twice. It was fun as always. 

I even made a little Ren fest vlog! You can find it here.

All in all it hasn't been terrible. I've been good at hiding how stressed I am about not having a real steady income. I feel like my next move and my next job or break through is right at my finger tips I just need to keep reaching. 
As for this blog. I truly am sorry I have been MIA. And to Mocha I made this for you and I am sorry I haven't been posting. I don't know that I will keep up with every Monday posts like I used to. But I will keep posting. I might do like end of the week, what I've been up to if I don't post anything. I'll probably do more beauty stuff since it's easier to be inspired that way then life advice. But I'm still here. I'm back.