
Monday, June 2, 2014

Count Your Blessings

Dear Mocha 

 Do you ever have one of those days where you feel like EVERYTHING is going wrong? Like you can't escape whatever curse you're under because a curse has to be the only way all these things keep happening. I know you do. We all do. It's those days that it's so easy to focus on the negative and all the things going wrong. It's easy to count all the bad things and focus on how miserable all the piling things are making you. When your ready to cry in a corner and eat donuts or smash everything you own with a baseball bat (I mean those are my two extremes) I encourage you to count your blessings. I had one of those days today, but it was the little things that went right and the little things that made the bad things tolerable that kept me sane. It was the blessings I had to stop and consider to turn my frantic mood around. 

I'm sorry if you're having a bad day or week. You have things to be thankful for even if those things aren't easy to see right now. After the storm comes clearer skies I promise. Hold on to the good things and count your blessings. 

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