
Friday, January 3, 2014

New Years Resolutions

Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful New Year's Eve! 

I never made New Years resolutions until I got older. When I was younger I didn't see a point. I don't know what comes with age that makes me feel the need to make goals that I will forget about in a couple months? But in January when I set those resolutions its nice to think that there is a possibility I will meet those goals. So here are my New Years resolutions:

Lead a healthier lifestyle - I need to eat healthier and have an actual work out and sleep schedule. If I don't have a schedule I don't feel bad about not keeping to it. 

Paint more - Art, especially painting used to be my life, my therapy, it's what made me feel the most like me. Somehow I've lost touch with that. 

Purge Negativity - Life is too short to be in on drama or wasting time on negative thoughts and people. This world is full of negativity but this year I want to be better at distancing myself from unnecessary negativity. 

Last but not least.. 

Keep up with this blog! - I don't want this to be some thing I start and not follow through. I'm serious about this blog and giving it my all. I want it to be something you actually want to read and keep up with. 

I don't think these 3 simple resolutions will be too difficult to keep up with I'll keep you updated. Its nothing overly difficult or complicated or too many. I can do it! 

To make things interesting, here are some New Years resolutions Id like society to make:

Really and truly evaluate what you accept as the norm and what perfection really is. 

Stop using the word "swag" or "swagger" or "swaggie" I'm talking to you Justin Beiber.

In the words of Lady Gaga "Stop putting the letter 'T' in front of the word 'werk'"

Stop getting really bad tattoos. Just stop. You do know that's permanent right? 

Be nicer to each other. 

Stop trying to put a label on everyone and then judging that person based on the label YOU gave them. Hipster, scene, goth, preppy, artsy.. Who cares! Live and let live! 

I could probably keep going but I'll stop. 
Are you making New Years resolutions? What are your New Years resolutions? 

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