Sometimes life really sucks or it sure seems that way. Sometimes life gets tough and you go through things that really test your limits. Sometimes you get to a place where you just want to scream why me and give up. Sometimes your goal seems impossible. Most of the time it's these tough times that make you a better person. Most of the time it's these rough patches that you really shine because it's then that you see how courageous and strong you really are.
When life gets difficult the hardest thing to do is keep moving forward. But you have to remember that it's going to get better if you keep moving forward. Whatever you are going through, you have to pick yourself up and keep going. Why? Because going backward is impossible and staying still will drive you mad, so your only option really is to go mad or move forward.
Success stories aren't success stories without struggle. Anything worth having or worth doing isn't easy. Even though it's hard to see it now it will get better. By the end of it you'll be happy you went through whatever you did because it will make you a better person. Every beautiful sculpture starts as a plain block of stone with a little dedication, sweat, and hard work it becomes something beautiful. That's what you have to view these impossible times as. It's just chipping away the negative to become your beautiful, better self. One day you'll look back from a better place and be proud of what made you the person you are and this will only be a chapter to your story. Just don't forget to keep your head up and keep moving forward.
Keep moving forward is such a simple phrase but it's what I've lived by and still remind myself. When everything seems impossible just keep moving forward, I know you can, and you'll be glad you did.
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